ABN 77 938 538 272 CONTINUA EMENDATIONEM Established 1999
12 Coghlan Street Niddrie VIC Australia 3042
mick@kuseldesign.com.au 0414 49 39 29
Custom machined "Kappaclupeum" thermal shield for the MX beam line team at the Australian Synchrotron. To protect the MX1 beam line's Bruker mini kappa goniometer sample holder from icing by the cryojet crystal sample cooler. This was developed with Alan Riboldi-Tunnicliffe and Tom Caradoc-Davies of ANSTO Clayton.
"Lipidico" lipidic cubic phase injector. Designed and adapted to enable quick installation and operation at the Australian MX2 beam line end station. This Australian Synchrotron and La Trobe University endeavour achieved the first in-beam serial crystallography event in Australia. Developed with Peter Berntsen of La Trobe University and Tom Caradoc-Davies of ANSTO Clayton.
"Coflow"device. Custom tooling to enable reliable retention and vacuum sealing of a custom Hilgenberg capillary for coaxial sample flow studies. This was developed with Nigel Kirby and Nathan Cowieson of the Australian Synchrotron SAXS-WAXS beam line.
This second generation of the "coflow" coaxial fluid flow tooling for the BioCAT beam line at the APS was refined with the help of the Nigel Kirby and Tim Ryan of the SAXS-WAXS beam line and Jesse Hopkins of the APS BioCAT beam line to provide a suite of reduced 'dead volume' assembly modes.
"Sampson" SAMPle Setup statiON. Custom linear stages packaged in a frame to simulate the user sample area outside of the SAXS-WAXS beam line for user experiment preliminary setups. This was built for the Australian Synchrotron SAXS-WAXS beam line in collaboration with Nigel Kirby, for beam line users.